The World is Divided on Financial Reward
The world’s population is divided when it comes to their urgency for money – 46% of us would prefer gaining some amount of money now, while 42% are…
More Prone to Believe in God than Identify as Religious. More Likely to Believe in Heaven than in Hell.
Two thirds of respondents around the world claim they are religious. Slightly more people believe in God and there is a life after death – according…
What will change in a quarter of a century? Ten expectations about the future tell us more about the present.
How much and what will change in the next 25 years? What are our expectations about the economy, technology, medicine? Will we obtain new rights, or…
One in three global citizens want to immigrate
36% around the world willing to migrate. As expected, especially young people from difficult economic background are among potential migrants.…
Do we live better than our parents? And what about our children?
Every second citizen (51%) of the world believes that their life is better than that of their parents. The other half of the people asked is equally…
The World is divided these days – but how seriously?
An opinion poll conducted by GIA in 64 countries covering over two thirds of the global population (and more than 90% of those countries which are…
Bulgaria’s Gallup International again with the most accurate results in an unprecedented electoral marathon
The Bulgarian member of Gallup International Association continues delivering most accurate results in both pre-electoral studies and exit poll/fast…
Gallup International Celebrates 75th Anniversary in Madrid
Members and partners from 50 countries across all regions of the world met in Madrid from 25 – 28 September 2022 for the annual conference, which this…
War in Ukraine: The View of Europeans
Voice Of The People™ Survey March 25, 2022
Public Opinion poll in 24 EU countries plus Switzerland
Less Hope and Happiness in the World 2021
At the end of 2021 global hope and happiness are decreasing around the world compared to last year. Fears of upcoming economic difficulties remain…