- The collective West (EU and USA) remains more attractive as an economic partner (58%) and as a security partner (59%), compared to China and Russia which together score respectively 29% and 26%. What is important to note here is that this basic two-to-one proportion is valid without the voice of China where research content is restricted and also without significant Arab and African countries for the same reason. Taking into consideration these specifics most probably the actual division of the World is half-by-half.
- The European Union is the most attractive partner in the field of economy (31%) while the US keeps the position of most preferred ally in security (33%). But as already mentioned these figures are valid only for the researchable part of the world and don’t include Chinese public opinion.
- While Russia comes last among the four surveyed powers as a partner in the economic field, it scores a better result on the issues of security partnership and is positioned in front of China.
- Economy and security go hand in hand for the vast majority of countries and people prefer as a partner for both all the same of the two “blocks” of two superpowers (EU & USA or Russia & China) but the few exceptions are of an essential significance.
- While China appears to be the preferred economic partner for the vast majority in seven of the studied countries – Yemen, Pakistan, Russia, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Iraq and Ethiopia, Russia is preferred by none.
- When it comes to the preferred security partner Russia is perceived as such in a dozen countries while China gets a majority preference in only two countries – Russia and Pakistan.
- In a dozen countries public opinion is divided in their preference for an economic partner between the four powers – Afghanistan, Cameroon, Greece, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Libya, Macedonia, Peru, Syria.
- In the field of security, the public is seriously divided in Afghanistan, Argentina, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Greece, Libya, Macedonia, Peru, Vietnam, Yemen, and the UAE.
Public opinion in the U.K. is deeply divided in its rating of the US and EU as preferred partners for both fields – economy and in security. The pro-European attitudes prevails in both matters – 45 % to 33%.